Friday, 1 August 2014

BLOGUST! - (Im blogging at least once every day in august)

So im taking the plunge and ive decided to do something im calling Blogust, im blogging at least once every day! Ive been planning this since I started my blog, knowing that August would be the perfect time to do it before College starts. I've got lots of ideas, lots of blog posts already written up and scheduled and also a lot of stuff is happening in August so I thought it would be a challenge and fun to do!

There's going to be a wide range going up on my blog from blog event posts , reviews, tags, day out/holiday posts and a large handful of advice posts. As you may of also seen on my blog I am also doing blogger interviews. These will still go up but will not class as the post for that day! Meaning every Monday 2 posts will go up, an interview and a normal post. So please follow and enjoy!

Thanks for reading, please follow me on bloglovin to see everything and please go and read the already uploaded interviews. Im having SO much fun interviewing lots of amazing bloggers! 



  1. I look forward to reading all your posts.
    Good luck! I'm tempted to do this myself actually but not sure i'd manage it

  2. Good Luck! Can't wait to read your posts :) I'm attempting this too as part of Blaugust

  3. Look forward to reading them!x

  4. Hey!
    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!
    Here's the link to find out what's it all about! :)

    Urika xo
