Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Bits Bobs and Bows xx

A while ago two of my friends that I go to gymnastics with set up an Etsy shop selling bows, scrunchies and things alike.  I've been looking for a nice scrunchie for a while but not knowing if id be able to pull of the whole 80s look I wasn't prepared to spend a lot of money. Of course knowing them I had to have a look and bought two items.  Now if you follow me an twitter or instagram ( Click here for a little look around) you will know I got a lace scrunchie and a large red floral bow. I seriously love them especially since they both cost £2.50 each.  They have also started to recently make  flower crowns as well as necklaces at really affordable prices compared to most high street scrunchies, bows and flower crowns ect. They currently have a 1k instagram followers give-away going on as-well so you really need to go and have a look around all there sites now!

Their Etsy shop -- www.etsy.com/shop/Bitsbobsandbowsxx
Depop - Bitsbobsandbowsxx
Their Instagram -- bitsbobsandbowsxx

Thanks for reading,




  1. Hello, I just followed you on Bloglovin yesterday and just wanted to tell you your blog design is absolutely gorgeous, I love it! :) And those scrunchies and bows look cute too ;)

    Every Day In Grace

  2. I absolutely adore the lace scrunchie! What a cute way to spruce up your average ponytail. You look great!!

  3. aww the the bow looks really cute maybe you could check out my blog http://livelovenoma.blogspot.co.uk/ xx

  4. I wish I could pull off bows in my hair.. Looks great on you :)

    Ali | http://lilaclipstick.blogspot.ca

  5. I nominated your great blog for Liebster Award!
    Would be fun if you participated: http://wp.me/p4JlZV-aS


